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Are you looking for ways to make your backyard more wildlife-friendly? If so, you’ve come to the right place!
In this article, we’ll share a basic idea about how to start a wildlife garden. You will also learn some simple tricks that will make your backyard a haven for wildlife. From planting native flowers to providing food and water, you can easily make your backyard a welcoming place for all kinds of animals.
If you haven’t considered making a wildlife garden, it’s the right time to start one. Wildlife doesn’t only looks great aesthetically but it also has several other benefits.
So let’s get started!
Benefits of Wildlife gardening:
Here are some of the fascinating aspects of raising wildlife in your backyard:
- It looks great aesthetically.
- It is good for recreational purposes.
- It reduces cooking and electricity bills by conserving energy and providing shade.
- Last but not the least, gardening for wildlife provides an amazing educational experience.
How To start a wildlife garden
Though the requirements for raising particular wildlife are very animal specific; all the wildlife have three common needs viz. Food, Water, and Shelter. Before choosing to raise a wildlife garden, make sure the place has all the required ingredients.
How to Choose the Plants for Wildlife:
Firstly, choose native trees and plants. They are suitable for your climate and have a lesser chance of succumbing to drought or diseases.
Next find out about the ideal growing conditions of these species like nutrient requirements, sunlight exposure, watering frequencies, etc.
Providing Food for Wildlife:
Before planting trees, consider this; the birds and small animals take tender leaves, fruit pulps, bugs, beetles, and flies as their food. So, you should choose a plant that can sustain their need throughout the seasons.
Flowering plants attract butterflies and bee populations (check out my article planting for bees for details on this subject).
Place some feeders and nest boxes to provide further assistance to the animals. One of the main problems you might incur is that you have to find different kinds of food for different kinds of species.
Though sounds are challenging it might be one of the interesting parts of raising a wildlife landscape. Don’t forget to clean the feeders regularly with water and some form of disinfectant.
Check out some beautiful birdbath available onlineProviding Shelter for Wildlife:
Making a landscape full of wildlife is not only about food it also concerns shelter. Making a brush pile is a great way to attract birds, and small mammals, to your backyard. They visit in search of insects that love to stay in these piles. But this also invites snakes; so think carefully before implementing one.
Big tree cavities are also a favorite place for many animals. Woodpeckers, raccoons, owls, etc. love to build nests in those places.
Providing Water for Wildlife:

Water is an essential ingredient of wildlife habitat. It not only quenches the thirst of animals it also provides refreshment and sometimes a source of food depending upon the type of animal.
Animals such as raccoons or kingfishers depend largely on water for their source of food. If you are planning to have a wildlife garden you have to provide an arrangement for the water.
Now, you can provide simple structures like a birdbath or maybe a small pond. Whatever is your choice you need to keep some points in mind.
You must build the water source in a place where some kind of shade is available for at least some part of the day. It will keep the water cool and the evaporation rate will be lesser. Don’t let the water get stagnant it should be clean and cool.
If you are planning to build a birdbath, make sure to keep it higher from the ground (at least 3.5ft) so that cats can’t reach there.
Check out some beautiful birdbath available onlineMake the area around your backyard attractive and much more interesting. Don’t get limited in your efforts to raise wildlife and help in conserving the natural habitat for many wild animals.
To make water available for wildlife animals, build the water source in shade. It will keep the water cool and the evaporation rate will be lesser Click To TweetLandscaping is an important part of creating a long-lasting aesthetic look for your garden. Be creative and try to make your unique blend. You can get some really cool ideas about landscaping here.

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