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As the weather gets warmer and springtime approaches, so do the pests. And anyone who has ever dealt with pests can attest, getting rid of them can be a difficult and costly task.
Most pesticides contain harmful chemicals that can be toxic to humans, pets, and the environment. But what if there was a way to get rid of pests without using harsh chemicals or spending a lot of money?
Here are 12 natural pest control methods that can help you get rid of pests in your garden, without resorting to harsh chemicals. Natural pest control methods can be just as effective as chemical pesticides, and they are often safer for the environment.
This article is a follow-up to my earlier article on organic gardening. I have already discussed what it means to be organic and the benefits of going organic. Now let’s dig a little deeper and actually look at some of the real options for organic pest control.
What is natural pest control:
There are many ways to control pests, but not all of them are natural. Natural pest control is a method of controlling pests using materials and methods that are found in nature.
This can include things like using plants to repel pests or using predators to eat the pests. Natural pest control is a more environmentally friendly way to control pests, as it does not rely on chemicals or other man-made products.
Most of us start with being organic in mind and start growing vegetables organically. But once they see some aphids or other insects in their garden all the initial hard work with organic manure or compost goes in vain and to prevent the pests from eating away the vegetables they take the help of many chemical pesticides.
I would request you please try these natural methods before opting for any chemical pesticides.
Why Organic Pest Control Is Good For You:

Your Garden is always full of life, a home where the door is always open for various insects and other critters as it is a source of food.
The use of chemical pesticides is no doubt very tempting. Chemical pesticides may act as a quick fix short-term solution and you can actually see the effects within minutes. But guess what, in the long run, these kinds of chemicals do more bad than good.
I can always feel your frustration when you spot a bug in your favorite vegetables for which you have spent so many hours in the sun.
But don’t worry, many insects that are in your garden are not necessarily bad for your plants, rather some of them might help you in controlling or reducing the impact of other potentially threatening insects. There are a lot of ways to get rid of pests in your home.
The Basics Of Organic Pest Control:
The first thing you need to understand while practicing Organic Gardening is that everything in nature is in a balanced condition.
So many garden plants have their own way of self-defense and they are a lot tougher than what we might think. They can even tolerate a little bit of damage and still produce good-quality fruits and flowers.
There are two things that I want you to remember before digging into the pest control methods:
- Accept that most of the insects are not pests and most of them actually are helpful, beneficial insects to your garden. So stop trying to kill every insect you see in your garden.
- Also, be very clear that an occasional bite and hole in your yield is very natural and is a sign of healthy toxin-free food.
A healthy plant is a key to pest control:
A healthy plant is the first thing you should focus on to grow. Good soil (or soilless mix) produces a good quality plant. Their carbohydrate, protein, and fat ratios are in proper balance.
The Soil Is Very Important:
If the soil is not proper it can result in plants that are undernourished. These types of plants usually produce more carbohydrates (sugar) than the other two components. More sugar always attracts more insects as they thrive on sugar.
Once you take all the necessary steps to produce good and healthy quality crops now it’s time to shift your focus towards protecting those. But spraying pesticides on plants is not an option if you also want to protect the environment you live in.
In a dilemma like this organic pest controlling techniques come as a savior to us. By following these techniques we can battle most of the destructive insects and protect our food.

Organic Pest Control Techniques:
A discussion about organic gardening cannot stop without discussing pest and disease control methods. The following are some of the best ways of protecting your plants from damaging pests.
If you’re a beginner, all these practices may seem daunting or even discouraging. Remember, gardening is a process, so take it one step at a time. Try these methods, and you’ll be removing pests without even toiling very hard.
Take care of your garden soil
The first and foremost thing to do is take a very good look at your garden soil. If the soil is good with enough nutrients and good aeration and does not hold water the soil is good for your plants.
Test your soil pH and adjust it according to your plant’s needs. If the soil condition is good, your plants will be healthier and have strong resistance to diseases and pests.
Use resistant variety of plants
Choose plants that are resistant to pest attacks. Generally, native plants are best for that particular locality. They generally have disease and pest resistance built in.
Whenever you have a choice, choose the resistant variety of plants for growing.
Take Good Care Of Your Plants
If your plant is struggling it will attract more diseases and pests. Healthy and thriving plants fight pests and diseases more efficiently. So it is vital for you to give your plants the best growing conditions.
Put them in proper locations so they receive enough sunlight. Make sure the soil is in good condition with enough nutrients and moisture.
Don’t water your plants in the evening it can increase the pest infestation in the plant. For a detailed guide on watering your plants, you can read our article on how to water your plants properly.
Remove Garden Pests Manually
Your hands and eyes are excellent tools for pest control. Use them to your advantage.
Use your eyes to spot problem areas before they turn into catastrophic stages. Look under the leaves and stems twice every week.
Use your hands to pick off any potential threat.
Use cover Crops and Crop Rotation
One of the simplest ways to control pests naturally is with cover crops. Cover crops are plants that are grown in between cash crops. They can provide a number of benefits to farmers, including natural pest control.
Cover crops can be used to attract beneficial insects, which can help to control pests. They can also be used to physically block pests from getting to the cash crops.
Whenever possible grow cover crops prior to growing your normal crop. It will improve the soil quality and will give a valuable source for organic matters.
If you rotate cover crops and normal crops effectively, you can reduce the pest population.
Use Mulch
If you are particularly suffering from aphid infestation you can opt for reflective mulches. Reflective mulches reflect light back up at the plants, which deters pests from attacking them.
They also help keep the soil warm and moist, which leads to healthier plants. Overall, using reflective mulches is an easy and effective way to naturally control pests in your garden.
Reflective mulches are good for aphid control in row crops such as tomatoes, squash, and eggplants. Additionally, it will also deter birds from devouring your crops.
Try Companion Planting
Companion planting is one of the most common ways to control pests without using chemicals. It can be used to control a variety of pests, including aphids, whiteflies, and cabbage loopers.
The basic concept about this is some plants if planted together can benefit each other. One plant may benefit other plants by attracting or repelling insects, diseases, or nematodes by scent, color, or various secretions. Using this idea to protect your plants from different pests.
For example, marigolds emit a smell that deters many pests, making them a good companion plant for vegetables. Another benefit of companion planting is that it can attract beneficial insects, like ladybugs, which help to control pests.
We have a detailed article on companion planting where we discussed various plant combinations and how to use companion planting to help plants.
When done correctly, companion planting is an effective and environmentally friendly method to keep pests out of your garden.
Use Floating Barriers Such As Row Covers
Many farmers and gardeners use floating row covers to protect their plants from pests. The covers work by creating a barrier between the plant and the pests, preventing the pests from reaching the plant.
Row covers are made from a variety of materials, including polyester, nylon, and cotton. They come in different sizes and can be used for different types of plants.
Floating row covers are a fantastic way to protect your plants from invading insects, but also at the same time let sunlight, air, and rain pass through. Use them to protect seed beds and young plants.
As it says prevention is always better than cure. Build up barriers such as collars, and netting to prevent pests from attacking the plants. You can also handpick some of the bugs and remove them in case they are shown on the plant.
Use Beneficial Insects

If you’re looking for natural bug repellent for plants, consider using beneficial insects. Beneficial insects simply mean any insects that help us in gardening. These include bees, butterflies, and many other insects that help us keep a leash on harmful pests.
This type of natural pest control can be an effective and safe way to reduce the population of harmful pests. Plus, it’s a great way to support the local ecosystem.
Each harmful insect has one or more predators that feast on it. It will make your work far easier. Your job is to help these beneficial predators by giving them food, water, shelter, and helpful conditions for growth. Plant flowering plants that they are attracted to.
To successfully use this method, remember it’s not only the beneficial insects that you have to take care of you should also take very good care of the host plants of these insects.
There are several insects like lady-beetle, ground beetles, and wasps in your garden who fed on many aphids and worms. Here is a list of some of the most common beneficial insects and the pest they control:
Name Of The Beneficial Insect | How They Look | Pests They Control |
Ladybugs | Small, round, colorful beetles;blue-yellow striped larva | Feed on aphids, mites, scale, and many insect eggs |
Ground Beetles | Large, shiny, dark brown beetles | Feed on caterpillars, armyworms, and cutworms |
Predatory Mites | Very small, 8 legs, not true insects | Spider mites |
Lacewings | Stalked egg. 1-inch long insect, lacy wings. | Feed on aphids, mites, scale insects, and many insect eggs. |
Tachinid flies | Drab small fly | Parasitize many insect larvae |
Praying Mantids | 3-inch long insect with a triangular head | Many insects |
You can buy these beneficial insects and apply them to your directly.
Don’t make use of mass killer and destroys those beneficial insects. These beneficial insects can not recover as quickly as pest species from exposure to insecticides.

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Use Traps
Using sticky and light traps is helpful to catch bigger insects and moths. For catching cucumber beetles stick a cotton ball soaked with clove oil into this kind of sticky yellow trap.
Sticky white traps are great for catching flea beetles. Hang the traps a few inches above the infected plant. Once the traps lose their stickiness replace them with a new one. Some birds also fed on those insects.
Use Nontoxic Sprays and DIY Bug Spray for Plants
One of the most underused non-toxic sprays is water. If you can use it effectively you can drive away many pests.
If water doesn’t solve your problem use a solution of liquid soap. Soaps dissolve the protective coating of many insects.
Another household item you can use is refined cooking oil. Oil clogs the breathing pores of many pests.
For a double impact make a diy bug spray for plants by mixing 1 tablespoon of liquid soap with 1 cup of oil. Then mix 3 spoons of this mixture with 1 cup of water and apply it to the plants.
Be sure to test this solution first on a few leaves to make sure it doesn’t burn them. If everything is good apply it to the plant.
DIY bug spray for plants is a great way to keep pests off of your crops without using harsh chemicals.
Use Natural Toxins
You should try this option as a last resort or you might actually harm the plant itself. Toxins like neem oil are generally harmless to humans and other domestic animals.
You can use neem oil to remove pests. It is a very well-known organic mode of pest control. As a safety measure always use gloves, masks, and goggles while using this kind of product.
Apart from neem oil, insecticidal soap, and different horticultural oils are also helpful. Garlic, tobacco, and several other plants have a strong smell that deters pests.

In conclusion, natural pest control methods are a great way to get rid of pests without using harsh chemicals.
Although we have mentioned 12 ways there are so many other organic methods that have been in practice in different countries for ages. You can try out these methods and find the one that works best for your situation. Give natural pesticides a try and see how it works for you.
If you found this blog helpful don’t forget to share it with others too.
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Well, I’ve been struggling with pests in my garden for such a long time. Now I found some practical & effective methods from your blog. Thank you so much! Will try these tips out soon!
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Nice blog! It’s very helpful and informative, Thanks for sharing it.mascomid
I think that you make a good point that organic pest control is a good thing to do before using chemicals. My problem is that I have an infestation of bugs attacking my little garden. I don’t want to use harsh chemicals because I’m going to be eating the things. So I’d lie to find some organic insect control to use on my garden and get rid of the bugs.
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Thanks for sharing this information regarding pest control. I really found this very helpful. And blog also helps to control pest.
Vinegar is organic solution to pests. There are many other solutions that can tackle pests. For me organic works better. Great article though.