Kelp Vs Seaweed: What’s the difference How to Use Them In the Garden

differences between Kelp and seaweed

Although kelp and seaweed are both types of marine algae, there is one fine difference between the two. People often use kelp and seaweeds alternatively and in most cases, there is no difference. But technically they are not the same.  Here in this post, we will share the basic difference between kelp and seaweed and … Read more

Triple 16 Fertilizer: It’s Use and 3 Best Organic Alternatives

triple 16 lawn fertilizer

Triple 16 fertilizer is a chemical fertilizer that has been in use in traditional farming for many years. Being an organic gardener I personally use compost to improve my soil. And in this blog also I write mostly about organic gardening.  This post is all about using triple 16 fertilizer to fertilize your garden and … Read more

Are Banana Peels good as an Organic Fertilizer?

banana peel fertilizer

Looking for a natural way to fertilize your plants? Look no further than banana peels! Our comprehensive guide explores the benefits of using banana peels as a fertilizer, how to prepare them for use, and which plants will benefit most from their use. Don’t miss out on this easy and cost-effective way to improve the health and vitality of your plants.

Can You Control Nematodes With Neem Cakes? Effect of Neem on Nematodes

nematode control with neem cake

What Are Nematodes? Nematodes are microscopic, small roundworms that live in the soil. Nematodes can be both beneficial as well as harmful for your plants. How Nematodes Affect Gardening: The most common of all the garden nematodes is root-knot nematode. They interrupt plants normal process of taking water and other nutrients through the roots by … Read more