How to Grow Lipstick Plants: Tips and Tricks For Growing Aeschynanthus

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A flowering plant really brightens up a room and lipstick plants are not exception. So, today I want to share with you some useful information on growing absolutely beautiful lipstick plants.

I will also discuss how to propagate and some some care tips about this absolutely stunning plant.

The scientific name of the lipstick plant is Aeschynanthus radicans.

The plant has pointy, waxy, glossy leaves and bright clusters of flowers. It gets the name lipstick plant because of the flowers. These flowers reassemble a little tube of lipstick before they completely open into a flower form.

Growing Aeschynanthus is quite easy. Just follow these rules mentioned below and you will get a lot of flowers.

Types of Lipstick Plant:

Though there are many different types lipstick plants followings are the most popular ones:

  • Aeschynanthus radicans ‘Curly’ – The main distinguishing feature of this type of lipstick plant is the leaves are wavy and not smooth like others.
  • Aeschynanthus radicans ‘Mona Lisa’ – Mona Lisa variety has a distinctive orange-red shade of flowers. They do not have the vibrant red of a traditional lipstick plant.
  • Aeschynanthus radicans ‘Variegata’This type is famous for the yellow, white, or cream leaves along with the traditional green ones.

Lipstick Plant Propagation:

You can propagate a lipstick plant by two ways

  • From cuttings
  • from seeds.

From Cuttings:

Lipstick Plants are easy to propagate from soft stem cuttings.

Look for some healthy, new growth on the plant that is at least 5 inches in length. Now, with a nice sterile clean pruning shears cut the newly formed stem as close to that leaf node as possible. This is a section that you can place in some water. Cut off the bottom leaves and just leave a few leaves on top. Now, put the stem in water so it can grow some nice water roots.

It generally takes a few weeks before you can plant them in the soil. Change the water once or twice in a week.

You can also plant these cuttings directly on the soil without keeping them water for growing roots. Dip the end of the stem in rooting hormone and then plant them in soil. Make sure the soil is moist and conducive for root formation.

How to Grow Lipstick Plants From Seed:

You can also grow a lipstick plant through seeds. Sow the seeds indoors in a warm environment. The ideal temperature should be around 70 to 75 degree F. Cover the seeds with a seed starter mix. It would take 2 weeks for the seeds to germinate.

Ideal Growing Conditions:

lipstick plants growing tips


Lipstick plants need bright indirect light. You won’t get blooming flowers if it doesn’t get enough lights. But this doesn’t mean they need full sun. Exposing the plants to full sun can actually hurt the plant as too much of direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, cause them to drop off. It can also hurts the flowering process.


The ideal temperature for growing lipstick plant is somewhere around 70 to 80 F. Up to a temperature of 65 F it can bloom sparsely but if the temperature falls below 50 F it can injure your plants.


As a tropical species, lipstick plants will always prefer warmth and high humidity. Use a humidifier like this to keep a proper humidity level inside your house.


Don’t place your lipstick plant beside doors, drafty windows, or air conditioning as sudden changes in temperature can cause problems for your plants.


Although lipstick plant likes consistent moisture, too much water can be disastrous. It can cause root rot, fungal disease and leaf drop. Moderate watering works best for lipstick plants.

Don’t allow the soil to dry out completely. Start watering the soil once the top couple of inches are no longer damp.

If the leaves seem soft and shriveled, give the plant more water.


Lipstick plants prefer soil that is well-aerated, evenly moist and light. If you want to use garden soil add sand and peat moss or coir to ensure good drainage.

The best option for growing lipstick plants would be to use a balanced well-aerated houseplant mix like this one. It drains quickly so you will never have to worry about overwatering your plants.


Feed your plants monthly during the growing season. It will help to produce lots of flowers. Use a general-purpose houseplant fertilizer like this one to fertilize the plants.

Pest and Diseases:

Usually, lipstick plants are not very susceptible to pests and diseases. The problem only occurs if the soil remains very wet for a longer period. It can cause fungal problems as well as leaf spot diseases. You can keep these problems away by simply using well-drained soil for growing lipstick plants.

Sometimes you might find aphids, mealy bugs, or spider mites on your plants. Remove them manually with hands or use organic pest control techniques to keep them away.

Tips and Hacks:

  • Allow the top 25% of the soil to dry out before watering your plants. It will make your plants flower more frequently and more abundantly.
  • Use hanging baskets for growing lipstick plants. This is because they have a cascading, vine-like habit.
  • Prune the stems of your plants regularly to prevent the plant from looking straggly.

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prasenjit saha author Gardening ABC

Hi there! My name is Prasenjit and I’m an avid gardener and someone who has grown a passion for growing plants. From my hands-on experience, I have learned what works and what doesn’t. Here I share everything I have learned.