Why My Bell Peppers Not Turning Red? How to Ripen Green Peppers

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Green bell peppers are unripe, red bell peppers are ripe. That’s the way it’s supposed to be. But what if your bell peppers are staying green, even after you’ve picked them from the vine? Is something wrong? Nope!

If you’re one of the many gardeners who’ve been disappointed by bell peppers that refuse to turn red, don’t give up hope. There are a few things you can do to encourage your peppers to develop their full color.

At the early stage, all the peppers are green. Once they start ripening they change their colors. A full mature bell pepper usually turns red. Green bell peppers are cheaper than red and yellow as they are unripe and not as sweet.

Generally, peppers take quite a bit of time to ripen. but if the plant is somehow disturbed or doesn’t get its ideal conditions, it’ll take even longer to ripen. Interestingly, there are certain pepper varieties that never turn red.

So What Can You Do to Get Peppers to Turn Red?

Well, the thing you need the most here is patience. Just leave the plant for some more time than you doing currently and let the fruits ripen.

Your seed packet might be saying that 6 weeks is the ideal time for getting bell peppers but to get to fully ripen ones you might need to wait for a couple of more weeks.

If you are in a hurry choose the small-sized varieties, because the larger the size of the bell pepper longer it will take to be fully ripe.

when to pick green peppers

How Long Does It Take for Green Bell Peppers to Turn Red?

Bell peppers need 70-80 days (after transplanting) to reach a mature green stage and an additional 2-3 weeks to turn red. This time period is not absolute and can change depending on the variety.

When you pick bell peppers prematurely, they do not get all the natural sugars that pepper would normally get from the ripening process. This is why a green bell pepper has a more bitter taste than Red, Orange, or Yellow Bell Peppers.

Here is a detailed guide on how to grow Bell Peppers at home.

Can Green Bell Peppers Turn Red After Picking?

Ideally, you should leave the bell peppers on the plant till they turn red. But if you already picked the pepper in green condition leave them on a sunny windowsill in a warm room (65 F to 70 F) for a few days.

In sunlight, they will change their colors and will eventually turn red. Storing them at 55 F or below slows down the ripening process to three or four weeks.

Once the bell peppers turn red, use them or store them in the refrigerator.

Remember Not All Bell Pepper Will Turn Red:

Some pepper varieties will never turn red even after they matured fully. Some peppers can even turn white or purple or yellow. This doesn’t mean they are not suitable for eating.

You can eat bell peppers at any stage of their life but for the change in color, the breakdown of the chlorophyll needs to happen.

Which Bell Pepper is The Best for Consumption:

when do peppers turn red

Red bell peppers have the most nutrition, as they’ve been on the vine the longest.

Green peppers are harvested earlier before they have a chance to turn yellow, orange, and then red.

Typically, one red bell pepper has almost 11 times more beta-carotene and 1.5 times more vitamin C compared to the same-sized green bell pepper.


In conclusion, bell peppers not turning red is a problem that can be solved with patience and time. With the right amount of sunlight and water, your bell peppers will eventually turn red. So don’t give up hope and keep tending to your plants!

I hope this post was helpful to you. If you like the information don’t forget to share it with others too.

how to ripen green peppers

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prasenjit saha author Gardening ABC

Hi there! My name is Prasenjit and I’m an avid gardener and someone who has grown a passion for growing plants. From my hands-on experience, I have learned what works and what doesn’t. Here I share everything I have learned.