Does Lettuce Need Full Sun? How to Prevent Bolting In Lettuce
Does your lettuce seem to be bolting before it’s fully grown? Check out our tips on how to prevent bolting in lettuce!
Does your lettuce seem to be bolting before it’s fully grown? Check out our tips on how to prevent bolting in lettuce!
Orchids are often thought of as parasitic plants. Here’s a closer look at how these beautiful flowers grow and what they need to survive.
Every orchid grower wants to know the answer! Everyone wants to know, how orchids reproduce. Can I propagate orchids all by myself? Is it hard? First of all, don’t you worry, because the propagation of orchids is not that complicated. In fact, most people don’t even realize how easy it is. Orchids are exotic plants … Read more
Is cucumber a melon? You’d think so, right? They have a lot in common. But they aren’t what everyone says they are. Similarities may exist but differences do, too. Here, in this post, you’ll find out whether they are the same or not by looking at their characteristics. What is A Melon? According to the … Read more
Orchids are a tricky plant to keep alive but are often very beautiful. If you’re considering misting your orchids, read this first! We weigh the pros and cons of misting, including the impact on humidity and plant health.