When to Water Cilantro: A Simple Watering Guide

how to water cilantro plants

Watering a Cilantro Plant Cilantro is one of the more finicky plants when it comes to proper care. Despite being easy to grow and able to tolerate various growing conditions, it requires proper watering for optimum health. You can easily grow cilantro from seeds or cuttings, but they need proper watering in order to thrive. … Read more

Cilantro Vs Parsley: What is The Difference Between The Two Herbs

difference between parsley and cilantro

Parsley and cilantro are two different herbs that look remarkably similar. They are quite common in most kitchens, and herb gardens. What this means is that people frequently confuse the two herbs and use them interchangeably in recipes (and in life). But simply because parsley and cilantro look similar, doesn’t mean they’re the same thing. … Read more