What is A Perennial Plant and Why Should You Have Them In Your Garden

What is a Perennial plant

What Is A Perennial Plant? Perennial plants refer to those plants which you need to plant once and can harvest for several years. Plants such as Asparagus, Banana, and Artichokes are few of the examples of these wide ranges of plants. In this article, we will try to bring out the reasons why a gardener … Read more

How to Speed up Composting: Here are 5 Tips to Faster Decomposition

how to speed up composting

One of the major problems with composting is it takes a lot of time. Now, being an organic process it does take time to complete and you cannot make compost overnight. But you can definitely speed up composting process if you follow the below-mentioned points. We have discussed compost earlier also. This article will focus … Read more