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When most people think of fruits and vegetables, they might think of things like apples, bananas, oranges. But what about strawberries? Are strawberries a fruit or vegetable?
In this post, we will try to give you an answer to this question and you will see this might not be as straightforward as it seems.
So let’s begin…
What are strawberries?
The strawberry is native to Europe and Asia and has been cultivated since ancient times. The fruit was first mentioned in literature in the early 13th century and appeared in artwork soon thereafter. In the 18th century, strawberries began to be grown commercially in France and England.
Today, strawberries are grown in many parts of the world, including the United States, Canada, Japan, and Chile.
There are many different varieties of strawberries, which vary in size, color, and flavor.
Fruits vs vegetables:
Usually, in the culinary sense, we use taste to distinguish between a fruit and a vegetable. So things that are generally sweet and you can eat without cooking in termed fruits and whatever doesn’t fall into that category is called a vegetable.
So even though many vegetables are actually fruits, including avocados, tomatoes, squash, beans, and cucumbers, they’re not typically called that because they’re not sweet enough to satisfy our tastes.
Botanically speaking, however, a fruit is the ripened ovary of a seed-bearing plant, containing the seeds within itself. So things like peas, beans, corn, and nuts are considered to be fruits.
Are Strawberries fruit or vegetable:
Although strawberries are commonly thought of as vegetables, they are actually aggregate fruits that come from the flowering part of the plant and contain seeds.
When most people think of fruit, they think of something that is sweet and colorful. This is because the most popular fruits in the United States are berries.
Strawberries are not a berry though; they are an aggregate fruit. This means that they are made up of multiple tiny fruits that grow on one flower with more than one ovary. Each of these tiny fruits has its own seed inside it.
Is Strawberry A Fruit:
The strawberry is a typical example of an accessory fruit. Botanically a fruit is solely formed from the carpels or ovaries of a single flower and has seeds in it. This may or may not be fleshy, depending on the mechanism used for spreading the seeds.
But in a strawberry, the flower has many separate carpels embedded on the flower base or receptacle. The edible part of a strawberry is solely made from receptacle tissue.
So it is not fruit in the true sense.
The “seeds” on the surface are actually the fruit and consist of a dry carpel wall each containing a single seed with its own coat. This type of simple 1 seeded dry fruit is called achene.
Other examples of accessory fruits:
Some other common examples of accessory fruits are
Apple (we eat is the receptacle), Figs(actually the flowers of the fig tree), and pineapples( the edible part is actually created by many small flowers that grow together).
Why isn’t a strawberry a berry?
The term “berry” is used to describe a wide variety of small, pulpy fruits. Technically, a berry is any fruit that grows from the ovary of a flowering plant. However, in common usage, the term “berry” typically refers to sweet fruits like strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries.
Strawberries are not berries. Unlike true berries like blueberries, strawberries are not from the ovary. Instead, strawberries, blackberry berries, and raspberries are developed from an aggregation of many small fruits called drupes. Each drupe contains one seed that is attached to the fleshy part of the fruit.
Common Berry Confusion:
Though often called berries, blackberries, mulberries, and raspberries are not berries at all. Botanically speaking, these fruits are drupes, meaning that their exterior layer is fleshy and their interior contains a hard seed.
How Are Strawberries Classified?
Strawberries belong to the plant family Rosaceae, which also includes apples, apricots, and other stone fruits. Nuts are also classified in the Rosaceae family. Popular ornamental plants such as roses are also part of this family.
Nutritional value of a strawberry:
Strawberries are high in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. They also contain minerals such as potassium and magnesium. Strawberries also are a good source of antioxidants that may help protect against cancer and other diseases.
Culinary Uses:
Other than eating them raw you can also make some culinary items using strawberries. One of the most popular is strawberry jam and jellies.
You can also make strawberry syrup and use it to make pancakes, waffles, or ice cream. Finally, smoothies are always a good choice for incorporating strawberries into a daily routine.
In conclusion, Strawberries are fruits and not a vegetable. Although strawberry is typically referred to as a berry, it is technically not a berry.
You easily grow strawberries in your house. We have interesting posts related to strawberries, you can check the strawberry section of this website for more info.
I hope this post was informative and you have learned something new. If you like the information feel free to share it with others too.
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Hi there! My name is Prasenjit and I’m an avid gardener and someone who has grown a passion for growing plants. From my hands-on experience, I have learned what works and what doesn’t. Here I share everything I have learned.