3 effective ways to support your tomatoes

3 effective ways to support your tomatoes

tomato trellis

tomato trellis

In a trellis system, your tomato plants are supported both vertically as well as horizontally.

Trellis can seem costly in terms of money and time, but can pay off at harvest time

tomato stakes

tomato stakes

Staking is a great way to help keep your tomatoes in place during the growing process.

Stakes are available in a variety of sizes and materials like bamboo, wood, metal or plastic.

Once the tomato plant starts growing keep tieing the plant with the stake using plant ties.

tomato cages

tomato cages

Cages work best with determinate tomatoes. and support the heavy branches loaded with ripening tomatoes.

The best time to put the cage is when the plant is young and the the roots have not fully expanded.