8 things  that will increase  your  tomato yield tremendously

8 things  that will increase  your  tomato yield tremendously

give the plant proper space

give the plant proper space

Spacing tomato  plants any closer than 24 inches (61 cm.) will reduce air circulation  around the plants and may result in disease.

arrange proper lighting

arrange proper lighting

Placing them near a sunny window will not be sufficient. Use grow lights for 14-16 hours each day.

plant in a warm soil

plant in a warm soil

Your tomatoes  won't really start to grow until the soil is warm. Preheating the soil will result in early tomatoes

plant deeply

plant deeply

Bury the stem all the way up to the top few leaves. It will result in stronger plants

don't put Mulch too early

don't put Mulch too early

Wait until the ground has had a chance to warm up.

Remove the Bottom Leaves

Remove the Bottom Leaves

These old leaves, are the first ones to  develop fungus problems.

remove suckers

remove suckers

They won’t bear fruit and will take energy away from the rest of the plant.

Water Regularly

Water Regularly

Irregular watering can lead to many problems like blossom end rot cracking and splitting.