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Watering a Cilantro Plant Cilantro is one of the more finicky plants when it comes to proper care. Despite being easy to grow and able to tolerate various growing conditions, it requires proper watering for optimum health.
You can easily grow cilantro from seeds or cuttings, but they need proper watering in order to thrive.
If you’re new to growing cilantro, it’s important to know how often you should water cilantro plants and when is the best time to water them.
Here in this post, we will cover everything related to watering a cilantro plant.
So let’s begin.
The Importance Of Watering Correctly:
Water is essential for life and plants are no different. Plants absorb water through their roots and send it up through the stem and to the leaves so that they can photosynthesize and produce food for themselves.
To grow properly, plants need a lot of water. Without enough water, plants will suffer from dehydration which is fatal in most cases.
When it comes to watering your cilantro, it’s important not to over-water them or under-water them.
If you have too much water on them, the leaves will become limp and droop over time. This can result in stunted growth and even death of the plant if conditions aren’t corrected quickly enough.
On the other hand, if you don’t have enough water on your cilantro, then they won’t grow properly either. The leaves will start dying off and fall off before you know it!
When To Water Cilantro:
The best time of day to water cilantro is early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler and humidity levels are lower.
This helps prevent fungal diseases from developing on your leaves as well as prevent them from wilting during warm weather months when temperatures rise.
Does Cilantro Prefer Moist or Dry Soil?
Cilantro prefers moist soil conditions and hates dry soil. But that does not mean you should overwater your plants. Keep the soil moist but not soggy.
How Much Water does your Cilantro Need:
When you first get cilantro, it’s going to need more water than usual. After that, it will need less but not much less.
The plant is growing very quickly at this point, but it still needs to be watered every other day or so. If you just got your seedlings or transplant, you may want to water every day for about a week.
Once the plants are larger than about two inches tall, they should be able to go two days without water and still be fine.
Can you Overwater Cilantro?
Yes, there is always a risk of overwatering your cilantro. You should never let cilantro sit in standing water for more than a few minutes at a time.
Overwatering can cause root rot and other diseases that will kill the plant quickly. To avoid this problem, make sure that your pot has drainage holes in the bottom of it so that excess water can drain out of the pot easily during watering sessions.
You should always let the soil dry out before adding more water. It’s better to err on the side of under watering than over watering when growing cilantro.
How To Water Cilantro:
Watering cilantro seedlings:
Watering cilantro seedlings can be a challenge. They’re tender and delicate, and you don’t want to overwater them or let them dry out.
Keep an eye on the surface level dryness of the soil, and give the seedlings a sprinkle if it doesn’t look moist.
The best way to water cilantro seedlings is to use a watering can or hose with a fine spray nozzle so that the water doesn’t wash away the soil at the base of the plant.
Water them lightly and more frequently, never try to water them a lot at once. The seedlings are more susceptible to “drowning”. when they are overwatered.
Watering Established Plants:
If you already have an established cilantro plant that has been growing for a while, you need to water it less often than a new seedling. This will prevent the roots from becoming too wet and rotting away from overwatering.
If you notice that your cilantro has wilted due to too much moisture in its soil (or lack thereof), then give it only a small amount of water at first and see if that brings it back from its dormant state before giving it more water later on in the day when its soil is dry again.
Read this guide on how to water your plants properly.
Factors that can affect your watering schedule:
There are numerous factors to consider when determining how often to water your cilantro plants. Factors like weather, sunlight, the season of the year, and spacing all play a role.
Weather can play a critical role in how often or how much you would water the plant. So, if you have heavy rainfall, you might not need to water them at all.
Don’t water if rain is expected within 24 hours. Cilantro prefers moist but not overly wet soil conditions, so watering after rain can cause root rot or fungus problems if the soil is left too damp for too long after watering.
If you live in an area with high humidity, it’s best not to water at all during rainy spells as this can encourage fungal growth on plant surfaces that could cause leaf spotting or powdery mildew.
Sunlight exposure:
Although cilantro loves sunlight too much of it can cause harm to the plants. Interestingly, this will also impact how much and how often you should water the plant.
Sunlight is a major factor in determining when to water cilantro. If it’s sunny out, you need less water than if it’s cloudy or overcast. This is because the sun dries out the ground more quickly than shade does
Keeping cilantro well watered in these seasons ensures that they’ll be able to produce healthy new shoots of fresh cilantro in the future.
The seasons also affect how often you should water your cilantro because each season has different weather conditions that affect how much moisture is needed for the plant.
During the summer months, your plant might require more water than during the winter months when there are fewer hours of sunlight each day due to shorter days and nights.
Depending on how much space there is between two cilantro plants the amount and frequency of watering will also change.
Plants that are planted close together will compete for the same water, and as a result, you’ll have to water them more compared to the loosely planted cilantro.
How do you Know if you are Overwatering Cilantro?
If you notice that your cilantro plants are yellowing or wilting despite having ample amounts of water, then it’s likely that they are overwatered.
The leaves will also begin to wilt and droop as they begin to rot from the bottom up.
Tips for watering your Cilantro plant
- If you are growing cilantro in containers make sure your pot has adequate draining. Make sure the drainage hole is not blocked and the type of soil mix you are using does have proper drainage.
- Wilting leaves doesn’t always means the plant lacks water, it can also due to overwatering. So before deciding on watering your plant again make sure you check the soil properly.
- Never apply fertilizer to the dry roots. It can make your plant vulnerable to chemical burns. Always water your plants well the day before you fertilize. even if you use a water-soluble fertilizer.
As confident as new gardeners tend to be, there isn’t a single one who hasn’t given a good amount of thought to what they need to do in order to grow healthy, strong plants. And anyone who has ever had a dried-up, wilted cilantro plant, knows what I am talking about.
If you happen to have a cilantro plant that is doing poorly and not growing, it could be because you are either not giving it enough water or probably overwatering it. Cilantro plants do need plenty of water just make sure you are not overwatering them.
I hope this post was helpful to you. You can read more posts related to growing cilantro here.
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Hi there! My name is Prasenjit and I’m an avid gardener and someone who has grown a passion for growing plants. From my hands-on experience, I have learned what works and what doesn’t. Here I share everything I have learned.